Friday, 17 July 2009

Lorraine writes- well, one week on and have to say I am loving being back in the UK. I have done so much in such a short time and have had a great time with my brother and family but, its time for us to move on and Wales is our next venue. We have drunk lots of huge mugs of coffee and tea, eaten great food, done lots of walking, experienced British rain and wonderful scenery and even used a laundrette for the very first time in my life!!!!!! Even though I am enjoying our break, Krushe isn't too far from my mind and heart. I had an opportunity to share at Rosehill Baptist Church Girls Brigade about our work at the day care but also about the first GB group in Kosova which was formed in January this year. Some things have changed since we've been away, yet other things remain the same. I'm finding that as I go around from place to place that I am comparing many things between Kosova and Britain. As our time here continues we will be praying about what we're experienced so far and what God may have in store for us!!

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Chris writes: we are now back in the UK for six weeks having returned on Friday. We have been living in Krushe for eight months....this will be our first time away. When we returned we expected a culture shock....but it does not seem to have affected us yet. It almost seems that we have just settled back into life in UK so easily...too easily maybe. While missing our friends back in Kosova we are excited to be seeing our friends and family in UK. We have been blessed with the use of a car on loan from my parents and have travelled to Lorraine's brother and his family in the north of England. Next we visit friends and family in Wales, then Reading, Worthing, Kent and Bournemouth......hopefully we are not doing too much travelling and will get opportunity to rest and relax as well! We also hope this time will also give us an opportunity to reflect and pray about our first period in Krushe and look to our next period. Naturally we want to stay in God's will and will be seeking Him for our future there. Thanks for your prayers....we need them more than ever now! Thanks for reading. Zoti Bekoft x