Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Chris writes: we have been in the UK for over a month now and in just over a week we will be heading back to a place in a tiny village in Kosova we now call home...Krushe. It might seem far away from us at the moment as we have become so engrossed back in UK culture again.......... ..friends and family around us, motorways, expensive cups of coffee, pavements everywhere, rain, aside from the regular electricity supply of course...but it is still our home and the place where we will not be going to a sports bag to find our clothes anymore. We have had a fantastic time in the UK and been so blessed, loved and well looked after by our friends and family but now we must return home. We have travelled over 2000 miles (over 3200 kms to our friends in Kosova!) travelling most of the length and breadth of the country in a blessing of a car. But before all that we have our last the Dorset area to see friends, our flat in Christchurch and preach at our church on Sunday before return here next week in preparation for Kosova. We have so many mixed feelings but are really looking forward to going home again. Thanks for reading and for your support and prayers for us during our time in UK.