Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Lorraine writes- hearing sad news any time of the year of about friends and loved ones is hard, but it always seems harder when it around Christmas time!! Our thoughts and prayers go out to Craig & Karena MacKay and family at this time. We received word and have read Craig's blog regarding his beloved wife, Karena. She is in the last stages of cancer and we want to extend our love and prayers to them........Karena is an inspirational women of God, and has impacted many people, me being one of them. All our love to you Karena xx

Monday, 7 December 2009

Lorraine writes- the children in the day care are getting so excited about Christmas...WHY.... because Humedica give them every year a wonderful shoebox full of gifts!! As soon as the staff put the tree, decorations and lights up they all started singin 'Happy New Year'. This beautiful picture is of one of our children comforting her sister who is too young to attend day care, but often trys to creep in and join us!! The children love being in the day care and get so much out of attending....its a joy to see their happy smiles!!

Chris on location in one of the mountain villages whilst holding a medical clinic for Humedica. A doctor from Germany came to run the clinics for two weeks at the beginning of November. Nine villages where visited and over 400 patients were seen.

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Chris writes: well we are now in December, Advent and thoughts naturally go to Christmas and friends and family. For us of course it is a little different so I guess only natural that feelings of homesickness creep in. How I would just love to be able to walk along the coast by the sea, or go bike riding or worship and listen in church in the English langauge...but those are some of the things we have given up by our choice to live in Kosova. We have now been here over a year and so maybe the romance and glitz...if there ever was any of being a starting to wear off and I am starting to miss some of those simple things I used to take for granted! Today was difficult in our Albanian speaking church with little translation - Lorraine was away and I was not expecting translation just for me the only English speaker there! It really feels like we are at a crossroads - will we decide to carry on with our adventure here in Kosova or return to UK?? It feels that there is much for us to do here and our long-term future could be here but at what cost? Some days the cost seems minimal and other days it seems very high. Please do pray that we will make the right decision and stay in God's will. Thanks for reading and praying for us and standing with us in our adventure. Zoti Bekoft!!