Thursday, 30 December 2010

Lorraine writes- Walking our friends dog this morning (they are away for New Year) up to the park near his home, I noticed many Embassies and Diplomats homes, all behind guarded high fences. It made me think about how in our lives sometimes we can have areas fenced off and other areas where we are guarded. Why? maybe because we don't want to get hurt, or maybe we just don't want to acknowledge it......for me, I am praying that as we see the New Year in and think about 2011, I want those areas in my life that are behind fences, to become free; for those guards and fences to be broken and to come down; for real freedom and joy to rein in its place. I want to soar like an Eagle not stumble through 2011 like a a fearful skater on the ice for the first time......I am excited yet scared about what God has in store but hand in hand with Chris, family and friends and most importantly with Him, I'm expecting it will be an amazing year.....Happy New Year xxx

New life in Kosova!! (Kosovo)

Chris writes... currently in Pristina, the capital for some R & R and the new year is almost upon us! This is the time to reflect back over the last year at what was or not acheived and look foward to our hopes and dreams for the new year.

It is good to reflect, and good to dream but after the dreams must come a time of action and moving forward....stepping into all that God has in store for us.

We are setting up a new home and a new life for ourselves here in Kosova and pray that this is all in God's plan....we want to be walking with Him hand in hand in 2011...not two paces behind and not two paces in front.

Step forward boldly!!

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Chris writes: we have now been in the house for almost two months. After the fifth or six visit from the repair guy, the fridge now seems to be working at last! We also now have a cooker at last! We are preparing for Christmas and hope to be entertaining friends in our new home.

It is fair to say the last few weeks have been tough for us as a couple, and also individually, but that makes us all the more determined that this is where we are supposed to be.The frustration caused by appliances and also computers not working has been really hard. It is quite a relief that Christmas is here as we have been busy with the house, language learning and also giving out the shoeboxes around Kosova.

We are both now ready for a break and have the chance to house/dog sit in the capital Pristina for some friends over the New Year. This will hopefully give us both time to rest, reflect and plan for our future.

We would both appreciate your prayers at this time and please do share any words you have with us.

With every blessing for a restful Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

In Him xx

Monday, 6 December 2010

Chris writes...great news!! the guy came with the bed...we sorted the wood stove...the washing machine is working....and on the second attempt I think the fridge is also now working!!

Praise God!!

Still lots more to keep us busy......and now at last, the temperature has dropped...snow is on the way!!

No rest for the wicked!!

Monday, 29 November 2010

Chris writes - I have now been back in Kosova for six weeks, Lorraine has been here just over a week. Setting up home is never easy, so many things to do and to setting up home in a foreign country where you only speak a little of the language and in winter we knew was going to be an uphill struggle. Have now been in the house 3 weeks.....last week we were in despair...fridge, washing machine not working and the guy coming to fix had let us down addition a mountain of other jobs, including getting a bed as we have been sleeping in the lounge on the sofabed and sorting out our new woodstove.

Today has been a good day so far and its only lunchtime!!.......we purchased a bed this morning....hopefully delivered later, guy came to fix the fridge and washing machine, hopefully sorting the woodstove later and maybe a few other little jobs.....we could be on a roll here!!

Will let you know how we get on!!

Thanks for your prayers...we need em!!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Lorraine writes- Its been a while since I have written an entry on the blog....After 5 months in the UK I rejoined Chris in Kosova last Friday. Time apart always makes the heart grow fonder and I can say that about missing Chris and Kosova. I had such a wonderful welcome from all our Kosova friends. During the 5 months I spent in the UK so much had happened.

Having experienced some good and not so good things I feel stronger now than ever before. After Chris returned to Kosova (four weeks ago) we have had to deal with being de-frauded, having our C.R.B applications forms with personal information stolen and a car crash.

The thought that someone could use this information illegally and be walking around identifing themselves as us and having access to our account creates such such fear. But it caused me to cling closer to God and trust Him more. All the way along our journey God has demonstrated His love and provision for us in so many ways.

I am excited for what is in store for us in Kosova.....the next stage is now beginning.......

Saturday, 23 October 2010

life in Kosova

Taking for granted??

Chris writes....almost back in Kosova for one week and already I am thinking about the things we often take for granted....for a change I am not talking about lack of electricity....this is something you may recall we often went without for long periods of time in the in the town I am only aware of two power cuts this week....

I am talking about something much closer to home...our sight!!

We have chess playing blind/partially sighted people from all over Kosova here at moment....they play with their hands....feeling the pieces/board as they is quite amazing to watch...and it does not seem to hinder them!!

Take nothing for granted!! Rather thank God for all His blessings!! xx

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Chris writes: last time I spoke about journeys of faith...ours has been pretty amazing!

As we have travelled round recently I shared some thoughts about Peter and his journey of particular the story of him going to Jesus on the water...... and stepping out of the boat in Matthew 14.

Matthew almost sounds quite matter of fact in 14:25...there was Jesus walking on the water!!........The way you do!!..........Peter sees Jesus and thinks I could do what a man of courage!! Jesus says...'come'!! (verse 29). Gulp!!................What is often over looked is Peter DID walk on the water...but just like we all do he took his eyes off Jesus...looked at the wind and waves and STARTED to sink....instantly he called out and...instantly Jesus saved Him...Peter grew through that experience.

18 months ago we stepped out the boat when we went to Kosova as a couple to live.

Now it is time to step out of the boat again....after 4 months in UK and around 5000 miles of travelling I shall return to Kosova on Monday 18th...our monthly support is over 60% and rising and it is time for us to continue the next part of our adventure...!!

Thanks for your prayers and support xx

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Our journey Kosova

Our Journey back to Kosova.......

Chris writes:

Don't you find that God gets better and you love Him more and more day by day!! Had a fantastic time in Bournemouth and in our last week we were given over £1000!! Wow!! Do you find that He knows just what you need.....when you need it?!?

As we have traveled round the UK we have never gone without anything we needed. We have also purchased many clothes and things to take back with us...everything God has supplied.

We have now finished most of our travels......almost 5000 miles!!.......and have returned to Worthing...for the next two weeks we are housesitting for my parents who will be in USA visiting my brother and his wife. Now we have some time on our relax...

Must admit that I have been a little frantic...."come on we need You!!" I had a date of the middle of October in mind to return to Kosova......before the winter starts.....ideally we need most of our support to be pledged before we leave.

Initially we were told we had around 10%..."Ok God....long way to go!!"

After looking deeper we have now been told that we have over 30% of which does not include other gifts we know are in the pipeline...this brings us to over 50% of our support and we know of still more which is coming to us!!! Praise the Lord!!

Today someone prayed that we'd have the faith to step out......I believe it is time to book our ticket!! What about your story of faith??

God Bless xx

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

God is Amazing!!

Chris writes:

Isn't God fab!!

We are now in Bournemouth and He IS supplying everything......this week we paid something out and with two hours He had paid it back to us!! Exactly the same amount and quite unexpected!!

We needed to have money for our rabies jabs and thought we'd have to draw it out of our account...the day before we had more than we needed and after we had done what we did above....

Yesterday morning we went to a prayer meeting and have been asked back to the church.....after racing around...striving!!...we went to another one in the evening...hardly anyone was there!! it was like God was saying...I AM in control...not you....just rest in ME!!

He was reminding me that mission should not be our priority...worship should be...evrything else comes in His time!!

God Bless xx

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Things are going well here in Holland on our conference. There is nothing quite like home though and we are both looking forward to being back in the UK........ then back to that tiny corner of Europe it is our priveledge to call home....Kosova....there really is nothing like home!!

We have just sent our newsletter contact us if you would like to recieve a copy

Friday, 13 August 2010

God is so faithful!! we have been waiting for several months for a tax rebate which we thought would cover our costs for going to Holland for the next stage in our journey as development workers in Europe.....

with no sight of the rebate our costs have been covered!! Praise God!!!!..thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Kosova for the kosovans!!

Interesting seeing all the news reports from the ICJ about Kosova and whether its declaration of independence in 2008 was legal.

Having lived there for 18 months and got to know so many of the people who lost family members and/or friends I guess it is hard for us to be impartial.

What I do know is that many people have fought many battles over this tiny corner of the world: the Bulgarians, the Byzantines, the Serbs, Most recently in 1450 - 1912 the Ottamans, the Serbs again from 1912 - today.

During those hundreds of years they have been tortured, supressed, bullied, amongst others by many of their conquerors.

I spoke to an Orthodox person in the UK recently who seemed to be under the impression most of the region is populated by Orthodox people. From my experience this is not the case and it is mainly Kosova Albanians who live there. Around 90%.

Is it time to allow the people of this country to decide their own destiny?

What do you think??


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Chris writes: our busy time here in the UK continues but thankfully we have managed to have a week off in a remote part of South Wales of relaxing and watching the rain!

After that we came here to 'All Nations College', just north of London, where we are having two weeks of training and getting to know another mission organisation which we will also be linked with CMS (Church Mission Society). We are learning, amongst other things, about something we often take for granted...culture...and crossing into another culture.....the way we see and experience things can be so different to the way other people see things...even the person will see one thing in a verse and someone else something different.

A few quotes from CMS have struck me: "Mission is not someone else's job - it is mine". Mission is something we as Christians should ALL be involved in...some of us get called to serve abroad some at home. "Christian mission is about crossing boundaries not crushing them". We must find a way of "engaging with each other which is respectful but not compromising". Lesslie Newbigin.

Very interesting!!

Friday, 2 July 2010

Chris writes: it is hard to believe but we have been in the UK for three weeks now - the time has flown by so quickly it feels like so much longer. Our time in Krushe feels so far away and the sadness of having to leave so many of our friends there has been equalled by our joy to see our friends and family in UK. Our three weeks here have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride and one blessing after another. We arrived here and after a night just outside Reading went up north to Clitheroe via the collection of our vehicle. Then to north Wales and more blessings. Then we had our weekend with OM and have now been accepted to work with them in Kosova, subject to raising our support. Finally we headed south to Bournemouth and Moorlands to congratulate our friends on completing their degrees. Then along the coast to Worthing and Shoreham.
We leave Worthing on Sunday and head off on our travels again!!

Our Time here has been birthed in prayer and we are so grateful to all of you who have prayed for us. We are experiencing such a mixture of emotions as we are travelling around talking and sharing with people and are both trying not to strive in playing our part to raise our support. We have found when we went unprepared that the Holy Spirit was given room to take over and we and others were blessed as a result. Please do pray that we can maintain a blanace and that He gets the glory not us.....this is the reason why we ALL do what we do....for His glory....Amen!!

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Chris writes...time is so close now we leave on Saturday.... and we are frantically trying to get all the packing done and say goodbye to our friends and extended family here while keeping things running at the kindergarten while making all the preperations for our time in the UK!! We really appreciate your prayers.

But the two stages of our time here in Kosova are bluring into one as I was starkly reminded yesterday of one of the reasons why we are coming back.......hearing about a 20 year old boy who was found dead here with a needle sticking out of his arm. The youth here are very disenchanted...corruption is rife...they have been promised much but little is is a ticking bomb.......please keep praying!!

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Summer is here?

Chris writes: today, the first of June our clock is ticking ever faster. We now have 11 more days here and must admit to a real mixture of emotions...excitement at the thought of seeing the U.K. and our family and friends again, nervous at the thought of leaving the security of Humedica and Krushe, excitement at the thought of coming back to Kosova later this year and nervous of how it will all go over the summer and will we have enough support to enable us to come back at the end of September??

We know that this is the right way forward and a few months ago, just like Peter in Matt 14 we asked Jesus if He wanted us to step out of the boat and just Peter we felt He said Yes, so that is what we will be doing in 11 days time!

Please pray that we will both keep sane and use this remaining time here wisely!!

God Bless....or as they say here Zoti ju Bekoft

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Lorraine writes- Water has been a common theme over these last few weeks. For one it has been raining heavily and two we have visited a couple of amazing waterfalls. The picture on the left is of Drini I Bardhe near Peje and the one on the right is at Mirusha, just outside Gjakova. We had two staff outings and visited them both. It was a great time together and for the staff a new experience; to visit them as they had never had the opportunity to go before. We were so happy to take them.......
Its been wonderful to see some more of the beauty of Kosova. It has some stunning areas that are a must if you get to visit. We'd be happy to show you them, if you come ever get the chance to come our way!!!!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Spring (and Summer!) are here!!

Chris writes: six weeks today we shall be on our way back to the UK. We have now told the staff team downstairs who gave a mixed reaction! To be expected! We are now really starting to tell people. It really feels like the clock is ticking and time is rushing past. There is still much to do and people to arrange to visit before we leave here. We will loose much when we go from here - so when we return, we need to have increased our support significantly to cover these costs. Has been a tough week for Lorraine and me and put a strain on our relationship but we are still talking! After really studying Philippians 4: 6 & 7 however we are reminded that it is not about what we do but about God. He has unlimited resourses and we are in His hands. Just like Spring (and summer) it will come to us in His time and not ours! Amen!

This week the oldest person in the village died. She was 86. I was speaking with her grandson for the traditional 'condolence' visit about the changes she experienced in her life. The family structure is still so important here but how can that withstand what we call 'progress' or 'development' as just like in the west the family becomes more fragmented and relationships become less important. I pray that we can delay that coming here.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Endings and beginnings

Chris writes: in a little over seven weeks we shall be finishing our time in Krushe e Vogel as missionaries working for Humedica and serving under Dave & Cindy Johnson. It would be fair to say that not all of our time has been easy...some has been pretty hard and put a real strain on our relationship. On the other hand some has been enjoyable and we know that we have learnt such a lot about ourselves, about others and about serving in a different culture. Today we spoke with D & C to confirm and finalise our plans and tomorrow we will share with the staff. We leave here on 12th June, planning to visit UK for around three months when we hope to return to Kosova to start a new ministry offering drug education. We still have much to pray about and arrange before we leave for UK. We continue to value and appreciate your prayers especially, but not just that we can use our remaining time here wisely and all will come together as God wills, but also for the staff and children here as they face further change and unsettlement and also for Dave, Cindy and Alban who we will giving the reins back to on 12th June.

Friday, 26 March 2010

A sad day in Krushe

Lorraine writes- My heart wept today for the villagers of Krushe. Even as I write this entry now, my eyes are filling up from the memory of what I saw and felt today. As you enter the village a separate burial site is off to one side where the bodies of those men and boys identified and returned lay to rest. Eleven years on from that fateful day, 26 March 1999 so many loved ones are still missing and have not been identified. As one family buries their son, husband and father today, many are still hoping for the return of their beloveds. For the few who have their bodies buried in this grave site they have a place to go and weep and lay flowers. But for many where do they go?? I have never met such strong women as those here in Krushe. Every day they live with their memories; memories I can't even begin to imagine. Yet they go about their busy lives, caring and looking after the remaining members of their family. As I stood and witnessed these amazing women visit the graves I will never forget the sound of their crying and sheer grief. It pierced my heart, and all I wanted to do was give each one a hug.....But what I did do was pray; pray for these families, for their pain to lessen. Seeing some of the children from the village school lined up with their wreathes was a very striking image. May God's love and peace rest in this place; on the people of Krushe and on the people of Kosova. Thank you to those who were able to say a prayer for today........Kosova is very much in our hearts xx

A Villlage mourns

Chris writes: today, 11 years after the massacre here in Krushe e Vogel another body was returned to the village to its final resting place. A family and a village can now properly start to grieve and mourn the loss of another of their men. It is hard to imagine how it must feel as I watched one of the sons clutching a picture at the graveside of his father. I could not see tears....maybe the feeling was just so overwhelming that after 11 years, at last the body of his father will be at rest.

It was a real priviledge to stand with the people of our village today and comfort them as they mourn. I hope they will now be allowed to move on and look to a better future...a better future for the children...thus the investment of Humedica in this tiny village....which we have had the joy (mostly!) of being part of for the last fifteen months.

The saddest part for me though was one of the other families in the village who decided not to bury their lost one as they are hoping and praying that other bodies from the family will be found and then they will be buried together.

Thank you for supporting and praying for us as we support the people of this tiny village and help them look to the future. Pray that they can grieve and build a better future.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Lorraine writes- The last two weeks have been very full for week was spent in the UK (was a whistle stop tour, on my own) attending a funeral of an amazing lady, Karena Mackay, from Reading Family Church and visiting my Brother & family and my Dad & his wife Jane. If you ever travel by train up and down the country, travel LIGHT!! I learnt the hard way. Three big bags, trains and undergrounds really don't mix. The second was a surprise trip to Macedonia. As soon as I walked off the plane I was whisked away by my wonderful husband....brownie points to him!!!!

It has been great to get back to the day care and be with the children and staff. Each morning I have a five minute meeting with the staff at the beginning of the day. This morning I read a quote from 'Family Matters' by David Pytches. It read like this......'The strength of the nation derives from the integrity of the home' (Confucius). I shared my thoughts about how I see Kosova being founded on the family; it draws strength from that family unit; how the day care is a family unit and how we try to impart family values that the children will grasp and take on board and share with others.

This week sees Krushe e Vogel's memorial day (26th). A day when families remember the pain and suffering; the loss of loved ones; that day, in 1999, which brought such change to family life and structure forever. We have one family in the village who after 11 years will see the body of their loved one returned and be able to have some closure as they get to say good bye. Please pray and remember the people of Krushe. We pray that the pain they feel will lessen; that comfort can come to their homes. You are in our hearts Krushe xx

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Chris writes: had a great time in Skopje, Macedonia and now safely back in Krushe. Today is yet another beautiful day and it really feels like winter is behind us at last.
Yesterday it was so good at last being able to do some long awaited jobs outside which have been building up here in the Cerdhe over the winter months.

With a little under three months left here in Krushe it really does feel like we are on the 'home straight' now....hoping and praying that we can 'finish strong' and not be distracted by what we will be doing when in the UK or what we will do when we return here!

Monday, 8 March 2010

Chris writes: you know the saying just as you thought it was safe to go out?.....well just as I thought spring was finally here after our long slog this winter.......the weather got cold again and now we have more snow! Ah well! What to do as they say here! Just smile and keep on keeping on! Off to Macedonia on Wednesday for what i think is a well earned break with Lorraine.....regular power, bacon, sausages, Mc'ds! Happy days!! God Bless x

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Chris writes: well the power did return...for the Independance day celebrations here on the 17th of this month. It only lasted a few days however and with the high winds we lost power again for the whole of last weekend! Understandably we were pretty frustrated! But 'what to do' as they say here!! There is alot of pain and suffering behind those words though - to us in the west the war started and finished here in 1999 when NATO came in - but for the people here the suffering started at least ten years before with for example: the Albanian language being illegalised, people thrown into prison for no/little reason and almost over night the entire police force replaced by a Serbian force - to name a few. Understandably this must have left the people here feeling totally powerless and just having to accept the situation. The civil war started soon after but sadly the KLA (Kosova Liberation Army) were labeled terroists to us in the 'comfortable and civilised' west. This must have left them feeling completely alone and rejected.

It has felt like a long hard slog this winter (and are we thro' it yet?!) with so many struggles and frustrations but our desire is that we can finish strong and leave here on a good note. We continue praying about our future and knocking on various doors and would appreciate your prayers. Every Thursday this year we have been fasting our meals for the whole day - I hate Thursdays! Please do join with us and say a prayer and share anything with us you feel God may be showing you for us. Well it is Thursday and lunchtime time to pray. Zoti ju Bekfoft xx

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Chris writes: Ah the weekend!! time to relax and sleep!! Sadly life in Krushe once again means that we are being held to ransom by the electricity company (Kek) after having our power cut off since Thursday afternoon. This will probably last until Monday at least. Unfortunately when this has happened previously, people would just hook into their neighbours supply so the company now just cuts out the whole section where the worst offenders are which of course affects those that do and don't pay in the same way. Our feelings are mixed with annoyance with Kek and frustration for the people that think they can escape without paying. Sadly for some people this is because they have no income at all...this then leads back to the government and how are they helping such people...but we are not living in a rich country such as UK we are in a country with high unemployment and evidently little resources to help those struggling financially. This all makes the head spin and an acceptance of the situation or as they say here 's'ka me bon' or 'what to do'!! Having said all the above this is tempered with the sound of our generator which fills the air not to mention the oversized car battery underneath the table where i am working which makes us very grateful and means that we still do have some connection with the world outside of Kosova! We continue praying and fasting as we seek God's will for our future...but for now the washing up calls me...with water boiled on the gas stove of course! Thanks for your prayers, support and for following our adventures. God Bless. Chris xx

Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Chris writes.... the time is just before 12pm and another day is over at the Cerdhe in Krushe e Vogel. The day care falls silent once again until tomorrow morning at 7.40am when the first staff and children arrive. Everyone has gone home and we are left to ourselves - up the stairs in our own wonderful home. It is hard to imagine that in a little over four months we shall be leaving the Cerdhe to start a new life for ourselves, we believe and desire to be in Kosova. We have now been living in this tiny village in the south of Kosova for just over 12 months, excluding our time in UK during last summer. Sometimes it has been really hard going and very frustrating, sometimes most enjoyable. Sometimes we have felt like running, sometimes like staying. The fact is that after 12 months I really feel that at last we are starting to make a difference. The staff seem to notice more how we treat the children. We are starting to build relationships with people in the village. We are more able to communicate with the staff and children as little by little (nga pac nga pac - as they say here) all be it painfully slow we are starting to grasp the language. We are starting to learn and understand more of the culture. I am even starting to feel more confident and secure with the job....a job I had never done before! I feel like Nehemiah...we came here to do a tough job leaving the comfort and security of UK and soon we will return, for a while to our family and friends, to the beach, to our church, to fish and chips....and so on. But we are not there yet...there is still more we must do, more we can learn, more we can take from our time here. Thankyou so much for following our adventure and standing with us and please pray that we can finish strong and that our adventure will continue and we will know and remain in God's will for our future. Zoti ju bekoft.....or God Bless as they say emrin Jezus.... name of Jesus. xx

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Chris writes - Christmas and the New Year celebrations are fast becoming a distant memory as we once again settle back into the new school term. Routine is so important to children and after just a few days back we are already back into the swing with our early mornings and early lunches once again. The new year looks exciting and full of promise and it also looks uncertain with the only thing we know for sure is we shall be leaving Krushe in June when we return to the UK for a break and catch up with family and friends. We are spending much time talking and praying as we try to discern God's plan for us for our future. We believe that to be in Kosova and have a few ideas and hopes and dreams but nothing is certain yet. Krushe has been a testing and sometimes tough time for us but we know that we have learnt much and grown as a result and pray that we will leave stronger for the experience. Thanks for your prayers and please do share anything you feel God might be saying to you for us. God Bless you and yours in 2010 xx

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Just one of the pictures our friends took New Years
Eve whilst on the hill over looking Gjakova....... Thanks Ang xx

Lorraine writes- well, cant believe we are into 2010 already!! what an amazing year....our Christmas celebrations were wonderful, we have a lot of fun, laughter and as many yummy trimmings as I could muster up. We had a fresh turkey which I cooked and we had to transport him, ALIVE, in the back of the jeep from the collection point, a farm in Gjakova, back to our village......boy that was a challenge for me!!!!! we had one of our staff, sort him out ready for me to cook him. I wish I hadn't seen its little face before he went off for the chop!!! We are animal lovers but I guess having a turkey for Christmas day outweighs it all. It was strange celebrating Christmas when all around you people were gearing up for the New Year. Christmas has no meaning, for the every day Kosovar/Muslim here.....Some of the believing Kosovars got together and had a celebration which was wonderful. They did a powerful drama and many young people were there!!! New Year was truly amazing for us both. We climbed a hill in Gjakova with friends and saw the best firework display I have ever seen in my life. In England you would of paid maybe £5 to see a 10 minute display. This was aleast a 40 minute or so display covering the whole of the town. I had trouble trying to keep up with my right and left as bangs and sparks were going off in all directions!!!! Thank you Paul and Ang for suggesting to go up there and see this New Year in!!! What will 2010 hold for us.......only God knows. We are praying for our future here in Kosova and know that it will play a big role still, but for us doing what, we don't know right now. We have big prayers and open ears to hear what God says. We miss our family and dear friends but we know this is where we are meant to be......God can provide and comfort us, more than we know. I need to let Him do that much more than I let Him!!!! Happy New Year to you all xx lots of love xx