Sunday, 22 May 2011

Bringing Hope and salt to Kosova??

Salt shakers in Kosova???

Chris writes: Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full". (John 10:10) These words from Jesus stuck in my mind after our retreat in Macedonia. It was a really good time of relaxing and relationships....both developing existing and building new ones...getting to know people better who are working with the same organization as us from all over Albania, Greece, Montenegro, Macedonia and of course Kosova.

But we are now back in Kosova and in a new house where we shall be living for the next three months. Spring is here and at last the sun is shining and after almost a solid week of rain it is good to see it back! The countryside is starting to come alive with green everywhere and the crops are tentatively coming out of the ground. Hope is in the air in Kosova as new life is here.

But scratch beneath the surface and you can see some cracks. You may already be aware of the fact that around 50% of the people here don't have a job. In the main street some people spend all day walking up and down or sitting in the cafes drinking maciatos. Men stand by the street in certain places in the town from 7am all day waiting for someone to drive up and offer them some work. Last week the employment market in Gjakova, our town, was further swelled by around 3000 extra bodies as the 18 year olds graduated and left school..after studying so hard for so many years they like so many other young and hopeful people around the world at this time have gone out into the big wide world..........hoping for a job or a place at university.

We were saddened by some graffiti we saw recently: " You can't kill me I am already dead". Is how many of the people feel must feel. Jesus said " I have come that they may have life and have it to the full". So many people try to find life in so many different things.....drugs for example.....sadly they realize they do not bring freedom only bondage.

We believe that we have been called to Kosova to bring life and hope. Tomorrow we start one of our main purposes for being here as we visit the schools and talk about drug education......making healthy choices...bringing freedom.......not bondage.

Please pray that we can be effective in our witness and can be salt and light.

Much love