Thursday, 19 April 2012

keeping on keeping up!!

Chris you find it hard to keep up with life sometimes? Feel like it is just racing past you in a blur??

Things are going so well and God is just blessing us amazingly....settling into our new home...made some bookcases!!...talking and praying about our plans for the centre...talking and praying about our other exciting plans for the summer....(young/at heart people have you heard about OM Transform...come to Kosova!!)... other new ministry opportunities.....held a drug education talk which was supported and appreciated by our church....part two is next week....!! Wow!!

But not all is perfect...still problems with our fridge...our van could be on it last wheels..!!

.................and it is still raining today!!!

..................................................there is an air of expectation around here!!

Please pray that I can keep both feet on the ground and my eyes fixed on Him!!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

God You are still amazing!!!...Part two!!!!

Chris writes: so we had a really good meeting with the landlord....

Our friends even had a Scripture, Romans 5: 1-5, which we shared with him.

We have agreed to start renting the premises from June, and from 11th - 25th June plan to have a working party here in Gjakova...... for anyone willing to come and help us get the place fitted out with decorating, kitchen etc....more news in our newsletter....but do check your diaries now!!

Now we need your prayers and support more than ever!!!

Happy Easter!!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

God You are still........amazing!!!

Chris writes: doesn't God just constantly amaze you?

We are now feeling quite settled in our new home and have even had two seperate people staying in my office/our spare room.

We are looking at the ministry now and our vision to open a 'lighthouse' in the community.

We have not really even had time to worry where the finances and people power was going to come from to make this vision a reality...God has not stopped blessing us!!

We have had people giving financially and very generously over the last few weeks and also news of a new team member who will be joining us in September!!

We also met with a couple who have given us some wise council and the confirmation to step out in faith......we do not have everything we need but feel we need to arrange to have a working party come out here in June and help us make this dream become a reality.

We also have a couple from the UK here at the moment...some of our supporters but so much more......friends..parents!! who have just so encouraged and blessed us......

So it is time to step out...we meet with the landlord tonight!!