Wednesday, 30 May 2012

How is your week so far??

Chris writes: what a week it has been...I went to find out some of the requirements to be a business here and felt overwhelmed and vulnerable.....I have never even started a business in UK before....difficult enough but then with the language...or lack of!!

Then yesterday arranging for the contract almost felt like I was signing my life away...and a feeling of we are under pressure now to get on.....It is so tempting to think that we are not adequate enough to do this...that we do not have the skills......that sounds familiar!!....when we are weak...we stand aside (hopefully) and allow Him...and the truth is....He is making this vision happen..........which is why it is so exciting....on the face of it maybe it seems crazy.....why don't we just settle for a simple life instead of this??...but He IS in control so what do we have to fear!!

The day ended yesterday with hearing about three generous donations........WOW!!

HE IS in control!!......and we are only half way through the week!!

In the words of a favourite film we watched with a friend last night:

Don't pray for a the miracle!!

Have a great day!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Back Home...God is so Good!!

Chris writes...We have such a faithful God and He never lets us down.....never lets our feet slip..(Psalm 121:3). Yes had a great time at the ISAAC conference in Prague...met some amazing and humble people for the first time........and rekindled some relationships with some amazing and humble people as well! Really was envisioning and inspiring!

Sadly, at times during the conference, I must admit I was distracted and more concerned about my journey home......about the buses I would be travelling on and where I would be staying...and getting back to Kosova.....why??

We have the verse above from Psalms and many others but also as someone reminded me this morning.....God has invested a great deal in us...not just gold and silver....(what are they worth at the end of things?) but the blood of His very Son (1 Peter 1 v 18 & 19)...and He will not let our foot slip.....!!

That is not to say that we will not have problems or trials!!......well my journey home was like clockwork and why did I need to worry or fret??

Yes God is in control of everything and He wants the best for us...why worry!!

God Bless you

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Chris writes:....after leaving Vienna this morning around 8am on the train to Prague I have now arrived very thankfully at the ISAAC hotel. The journey was ok until I got to Prague....well I know what it feels like to be a foreigner in a foreign country.......but it is great to think that Kosova is not that anymore....Prague is now!

Off the train and trying to locate the underground...where to get a ticket? How much? Which station? Which platform? Which direction?

I am grateful to everyone who made getting to the hotel possible...most of the people who did not speak English very well and I will not probably not see again...even the ones who misdirected me! But especiallyto Robert for his help in Vienna....thanks!

So having managed to unpack shower and to work out the internet which is very very is almost time for dinner....thanks for your prayers for this trip and I hope this conference will be a blessing to all that attend....

From Prague xx

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Chris writes: Up at 4am and having.......left home in the pouring rain, with my winter clothes on, later than planned, arrived at the bus station breathless, bus to airport, got into a taxi close to airport, ripped off (3 euros!) very very early...first into airport lounge......get on plane and sit next to mutual friend...Kosova is such a small place!!.

......I have now arrived in the heat of Istanbul.....after managing to navigate bathrooms and buying an actual Starbucks (my 2nd in two days!) and a cookie (don't tell Rainie!....research!!)..I have now finally managed to navigate the internet......why is it I seem to be the only one here having problems!!....

They say that Istanbul (formerly Constantinople I am told) is a very beautiful city...sadly I won't get to see much more of it than this...aside from the time to get into town.........20 dollars for a visa just to walk around seemed a bit excessive!

It is so interesting walking around listenning to all the different languages being spoken...not just Kosovan...this place is truely international...not at all as I had expected....

....................and now have about four hours for my connection to Vienna...onto Prague in a few days.....I hope this conference is worth it!!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Still Praising!!!

Chris writes: life continues to race by with great excitement...had a great time in Albania with the OM Kosova team...we have one person who is booking his flight to come here in June for our working party...

..........had a great time last week with OM founder and envisioner George Verwer who came to Kosova......still going strong at 73!!

......last night I posted a message on facebook saying that we needed a laptop....within a minute and before had even had time to pray someone said they had one!!!! how amazing....give God the glory...He is making this happen not us!!

off to Prague for a conference tomorrow with ISAAC...please pray all goes well....

FA cup over....onto Champions final on Saturday.....!!!!

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

still Keeping on...keeping on!!

Chris continues at such a pace....both the drug education sessions went well....we had a good friend from UK here for a week who kept us busy and we kept her busy!!!

Last week we met with the landlord of 'House of Hope' to put some furniture inside and he gave us a key!!!! We start renting from June.

Feels like it is really happening!!

We have had a few people saying they want to come and help us in June to get the place open...we still could do with a few more!!

Tomorrow we are off to Albania for a retreat...pray that we get refreshed and renewed to prepare us for what is looking like a busy summer!!!

And Chelsea are in the cup final on Saturday.....does life get any better!!

............oh and we have had the fridge repaired....Praise God!!!

....................but the week was not without pain as we learnt of a friend who has borrowed money from loan sharks over here and is now on the run and seperated from his family...please do pray about this with us

Thanks so much for your support and prayers xx