Saturday, 28 July 2012

The end of a long week!!

Chris writes: the week is almost over now for our team of four girls working with us and the local missionaries, with CEF. Tonight we finish with a party. It has been a full week...maybe too full...but nonetheless lots of children have been loved on and heard the Gospel and heard that Jesus wants to be their special friend, a hot week, a week of challenges, of ups and downs, a week in which we have seen the girls step out of thier comfort zones and blossom, a tiring week, but a week where we have planted many it is the work of the Holy Spirit.....who prompted us in the first water the seeds and we pray that fruit will come in the future.

It was also a week in which we had the chance to say goodbye to a special man of God....Randy Harvey who is now in the presence of Jesus

Thanks for your prayers....the children also met a new friend of mine....kalter....thanks Hilary!!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Back home!!

Chris writes: so good to be safely back home in Kosova now from Rome...arrived back around 10pm in Albania last night, with some of the Albania team and back home in Gjakove around 2.30am this morning.

We now have four people from all over the world working here for one week as we put the words of John 10:10 in practice.......

Please pray for an annointing for all the team, both locals and internationals....and for those we will ministering to.



Thursday, 19 July 2012

Still Roming!!!

Chris writes: what an exhausting but fantastic day!! Have been in Rome all day in the centre sightseeing and meeting people on the streets and chatting and praying with them...was really tiring and really hot...but really rewarding...even made it to the Vatican....

You may have heard about all the work we (mainly Lorraine) had to do with getting the permission for the SAs to come to Kosova....two of them leave here tomorrow at 6.30am.......usually this take around two weeks to get the permission....well this evening a few hours before they are due to leave and a little over a weeek after we submitted them I was able to put them in the girls hands...they now have permission to come to Kosova....this is just amazing and such a miracle!!!! What an end to the day!!

I now know that God has got something planned for this team when we are all in Kosova...can't wait what for!!

Now I need some sleep!!

Thanks so much for all your prayers      xx

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

still in Rome!!

Chris writes...quite a tiring week...lots to see and do..trying to maintain contact with Kosova and Lorraine...and she is very stressed (please pray for her) is hard as I feel so far away and so hard to concentrate and find some place to be alone....the internet is a slow connection...quite a tough and busy week....on the plus is a lovely hotel...a great group of people with great energy and vision...great to be a small part of this is not so hot here so am actually sleeping is so busy here then straight back to Kosova and into our outreach...would appreciate prayers for me and for Lorraine!!

Meeting so many people and they are just so encouraging...Praise God!!!

Tomorrow we hit Rome for a day for some outreach...I have been asked to lead a small team...would appreciate prayers for energy and wisdom as we go and that lives will be Transformed through our witness


Monday, 16 July 2012

in Rome...being Transformed!!

Chris writes:...O.M. is maybe most well known to many for its short-term summer programmes... O.M. Transform is one and is an enriching and uplifting week of training and preperation (I hope!!)  followed by week or so outreach in a chosen country..naturally there is loads of preperation to do to make this all come together so it might seem crazing with all we have going on in Gjakove for us to stick our necks out and submit an application for a team to come to Kosova...but we did it trusting God if it was meant for us or not...well to cut a long story short we have three people coming to Gjakove...if we can get all the visas approved this I have just arrived here in Rome...looks like a lovely hotel...have already met loads of people we have been talking and sharing with....this could be an amazing 5 days and I am not just praying for our communities which we get sent out to, from here, to be transformed, but for me and each of us here to be transformed ourselves...Please pray.....Blessings  xx