Friday, 26 April 2013

What happened!!

Chris writes: how was your week? Do you ever feel like you have turned a corner and then realize there is another corner in front of you? Or climb a peak only to realize there is another peak taller than the one you just climbed and the first one was only preparing you for the next one? We know some ladies who experienced something of this lately!!

Has been a difficult week.

Had a great weekend with friends :) which was maybe preparing us for the week ahead.

It was great to see so many children at the movie night but I was badly prepared and most of the children ended up leaving early as they were bored and could not understand.

The cafe seems to have gone very quiet again : ( and very few children/customers are visiting...why??

It also seems that some Christians are not visiting us because of feeling intimidated.

Clearly we need to make some difficult decisions over the future of the Lighthouse.

.......but........we did have a wonderful opportunity to bless a friend this week :) and he was totally bowled over!!

I also had the joy of giving a cup of water to two boys this morning...the words '...whatever you did for the least of these....' were ringing in my what a joy!!

Next week we are away in Montenegro with the other OM teams from the Balkans on retreat.

Would appreciate your prayers for us and our friends

Thanks and God Bless YOU!!

2 Chron 20    !!

Saturday, 13 April 2013

What a difference a month makes.......!!

Chris writes: Spring is here and the thaw has started and how things can change in such a short space of time!!....Maybe you have put so much of yourself into something and when your vision is stifled it is very hard and leaves you feeling drained, exhausted and very down.

We have invested so much of ourselves and finances from so many generous people into the Lighthouse and it was so hard during the winter months with it being so quiet and some days no customers at all visiting us.....these days were very dark in more ways than one.

What a difference two months make!!!

Things have been changing over the last two weeks and this week has been such a fantastic week...our takings have doubled in one month and trebled from two months ago.

More importantly than that the children and young people have started coming back...some just to hang out and have a glass of water...some to buy a small cake....many have joined in the sessions this is so good to see them again!!

I hope you have seen the pictures and the posts on facebook....

...and the reason..??

....when we started worshipping God & rising above our circumstances we had a different perspective on our struggles and change happened...

That is my encouragement to you...give it to God...worship Him....sit Him resume control....!!

Please read: 2 Chronicles 20....!!....and worship Him!!.......................Amen!!

