Sunday, 19 May 2013

....."...light and momentary troubles...."

Chris writes: how is your life at the moment? how are things going with you?? We are good. We had a great time in Montenegro up in the mountains...there was snow on the ground and yet we were wearing t-shirts! was a really restful encouraging and great time of the cafe back in Gjakova they had a great week...the person who stood in for us did a great job...which could bode well for the future.........

.........this week has been pretty quiet......we also had a visit from the immigration police......!!

Feeling a little like Paul....speaking to the Corinthians: "We are hard pressed.....but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair...." 2 Cor 4: 8 NIV ......!!

Maybe to some of you it might not come as a surprise then if you have heard our news that we are leaving Kosova and returning to UK.......but look further down the same chapter.....Paul talks about...."...light and momentary troubles...." 4:17

.......four weeks from today after almost five years in Kosova we shall be returning to England...our plan is to spend three months travelling, sharing with some of you and also resting while we wait on God and prepare for the next step.....the journey is not over and the adventure continues......

............your prayers and support have not been in vain....we have cast seeds and built relationships and we hope and pray that what we have begun can be continued....but we have to trust God that His will is best...but this is hard and easier said than done..

.......we still believe in vision of Lighthouse and maybe even would like to see more Lighthouses opening around Kosova in the future.........we are hoping and praying that someone...maybe a local person or persons can continue the work we have birthed and established in Gjakova.......if it is God's will........ we believe Kosova needs to hear and understand the message about drugs....we also must prepare for the future and be ready for some of the youth of today who sadly will become drug dependent in the future....these people must be provided for and is still part of our vision and it is so exciting now to have the support of ISAAC in this....

...........more on this later

.........thanks so much for your support and prayers so far and we hope and pray you will stay with us.....our vision is not completed ..this is just the end of one and the start of another new and exciting chapter....

God Bless...we would genuinely value your feedback and happy to answer your questions/concerns

In Him

Chris & Lorraine