Monday, 24 June 2013

Back in the UK??

Chris writes: very early on last Monday morning we returned to the UK.....leaving Kosova, the Lighthouse and many friends and happy memories behind us. It is hard to imagine that in a few weeks/months time we have no commitment to return to Kosova, that we will not be getting back onto an aeroplane and returning back to a tiny country, a place in the Balkans that for the last 4 1/2 years we have called home. For the last 4 1/2 years every time we have left Kosova we have always had a return ticket with us...a ticket that has returned us to our Kosova...on Sunday we boarded the plane with just a single ticket return us back to our home in UK....

Change comes to us all at sometimes in our life and it is important that we embrace it and face it head on and not try to hide from it or grow resentful that it is happening. Since 10th November has been an exciting and roller coaster ride for us in Kosova...well to be honest as you can imagine it actually goes back before that....but if you have not been with us since the beginning of our adventures you can read it all yourself....we started this blog.....this adventure..on 25th October 2008....I think it makes good reading....but not about us.......but is a testimony to the God who took us to Kosova and the God that we believe has now returned us safely back here to the UK.

There are many thoughts and emotions and decisions we need to work through in the coming weeks and months and while we do not plan to rush, but take time to rest and pray, we will try to share some of them with you, but please do feel free to contact us if you have anything to share with us.....eventually we will probably need to close this blog and start a new one but for now during this transition stage, and until we know the title of our new blog we will continue this one.

For those of you that have been here and standing and praying with us since October 2008 and for those that have joined since 2008 thank-you, for believing not in us, but in the God we serve.....for He is the reason why we have been in Kosova for the last 4 1/2 years and to Him must be the glory.


With love and blessings to you all  xx

Saturday, 1 June 2013

..........Happy 1st Birthday Lighthouse...!!.....

Chris writes: for those of you still not aware in two weeks time we shall be leaving Kosova and returning to UK to start another chapter in our life...we have not finished here in Kosova...but hope to do our supporting from UK....

......we are currently talking with a number of local people about forming a steering group that will manage and direct the Lighthouse, which we have established in Gjakova, we hope and pray this will enable it to go from strength to strength.....maybe it needs to change (location, name, opening times) and like anything else in the Christian life we must be ready to accept that....please pray for grace for all in this....

Today is the 1st Birthday for Lighthouse as we started renting one year ago today.....we don't know the future for Lighthouse or us when we get back to UK but what we do know is we have blessed many people over the year and impacted many lives around the world..many of you have contributed financially and prayed faithfully so you have contributed to this project as much as we have we are so grateful to each and every one of you.... some have even been able to come and join us and over the last few weeks we have had so many happy faces in the Lighthouse making cakes and other crafts....thanks especially to Jeanette and Shirley for that....

..........was this all just for a season??....only time will tell.....

Thanks so much for all your messages, prayers and words of support and encouragement....but please do keep praying.... especially for this week as we have someone from UK and someone from Holland visiting representing ISAAC...(International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition)....we have several meetings and next Saturday will be holding a drug awareness day in the Lighthouse.

Much love and blessings from us both  xx