Friday, 8 May 2015

life continues.....number 6 is lining up on the runway!!

Chris writes: so one group of ELCO students have left us and another one is already here or on their way. The new programme starts this weekend. It is such a joy to see the students leaving ELCO and going off to serve God in Birmingham, UK their home, or around the globe with OM. This will now be my 6th ELCO group and it is great to be part of this programme and to be able to train and equip, serving God in this way. Please do pray for the students both new and old.

For this programme we will not be around that much. Once the programme gets underway after one week we will be off to Kosova for two weeks...we are looking forward to this and the divine appointments we are praying for there. As the students arrive already things are starting to look differently for me with other new possibilities on the horizon.

Appreciate your prayers at this time