Monday 23 February 2009

Chris writes - last week was a short one. We were off on Monday for the Independence day holiday so I visited a friend in his new English school in the morning. In the afternoon we visited one of the families of the children - building relationships. Had a party in the evening with some pretty amazing dancing. Tuesday was the big day and we went into Gjakova to celebrate with the guys from the Smile centre. The evening was amazing just walking up and down the main street greeting people. The whole Independance thing is quite strange and it feels a little unsteady - as you might be aware many countries still do not recognise it - hopefully given time they will. But Kosovar people are very patriotic and their flag, and many other countries flags who helped them, were proudly displayed everywhere. We got home to bed very late wishing we had another day off! Wednesday was a regular day with the addition of a volunteer from the UK who brought us some fantastic treats over - thanks Charlie!! Out for coffee to Prizren in the afternoon - Kosova life! On Thursday evening we were invited out to one of the families for a Burek (my favourite!) and some amazing Kosovar hospitality - the life! On Friday we took our volunteer back to Gjakova and went shopping - Joy! Saturday after cleaning the auto went out to Prizren with another couple and home for food. On Sunday we were at our church and after - for coffee - the life! In the evening we caught up with some langauguage and the enevitable three hour power cut - with the invertor only working for one hour this was pretty tough - Kosova! Still battling with my gremlins and find myself having to keep asking for forgiveness! Still struggling with trying to be a loving husband/team-mate. Some days are better than others - sometimes it is silly things which trip me up! Keep on keeping on!! Thanks for reading and praying!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Some days are better than others - sometimes it is silly things which trip me up! Keep on keeping on!!"

Know the feeling! Keep up the excellent blogging and if you need any materials, let me know!