Thursday 14 January 2010

Chris writes - Christmas and the New Year celebrations are fast becoming a distant memory as we once again settle back into the new school term. Routine is so important to children and after just a few days back we are already back into the swing with our early mornings and early lunches once again. The new year looks exciting and full of promise and it also looks uncertain with the only thing we know for sure is we shall be leaving Krushe in June when we return to the UK for a break and catch up with family and friends. We are spending much time talking and praying as we try to discern God's plan for us for our future. We believe that to be in Kosova and have a few ideas and hopes and dreams but nothing is certain yet. Krushe has been a testing and sometimes tough time for us but we know that we have learnt much and grown as a result and pray that we will leave stronger for the experience. Thanks for your prayers and please do share anything you feel God might be saying to you for us. God Bless you and yours in 2010 xx

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