Saturday 28 July 2012

The end of a long week!!

Chris writes: the week is almost over now for our team of four girls working with us and the local missionaries, with CEF. Tonight we finish with a party. It has been a full week...maybe too full...but nonetheless lots of children have been loved on and heard the Gospel and heard that Jesus wants to be their special friend, a hot week, a week of challenges, of ups and downs, a week in which we have seen the girls step out of thier comfort zones and blossom, a tiring week, but a week where we have planted many it is the work of the Holy Spirit.....who prompted us in the first water the seeds and we pray that fruit will come in the future.

It was also a week in which we had the chance to say goodbye to a special man of God....Randy Harvey who is now in the presence of Jesus

Thanks for your prayers....the children also met a new friend of mine....kalter....thanks Hilary!!