Lorraine writes- This picture was taken by me when we were visiting the sight of the Krushe's mass killing just two weeks ago. All that remains of the barn where we believe 116 men where killed at the sight, are two craters. These craters where made by the Serbs, who bombed it, to hide the killings and make it look like NATO had done it. It was an emotional time, as we had never been that close to where the killings took place. Looking over some pictures I had taken of that day, I came across this one. WOW, it gave me goose bumps and does every time I look at it. The light of the sun is shining over one of the craters. For me, this image shouts out, how God is shining over Krushe, and its people. The people and children of this village are shown love, on a daily basis, through the day care and all those who are involved through its ministry. The village has gone through the worst kind of human experience, but it warms me to think that God's hand is over them. It reminds me also, of how God has his hand over us. That is so important to us and gives us the energy, drive and passion to do what we do.
1 comment:
your giving me goose bumps now... wow! that picture is breathtaking. God's grace is sufficient, and his love is abounding. God is definitely using you and Chris to shine His love on all those little ones in the village! Love you and miss you..
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