Monday 23 November 2009

Chris writes: well life is at last starting to settle down as winter sets in, the last of the doctors have gone home and all has been packed and stored away ready for next year. Things are going well with the jobs which had been piling up for me while I was out with the doctor and my to-do list is now quite a bit shorter than my arm!! Our second power cut (and third long one!) due to non payment by our neighbours last week did not help life here but fortunately only for 48 hours this time but thankfully the power and our sanity was restored as abruptly as it was cut off! The regular cold and dank mist in the morning and glorious sunny afternoon is becoming a pattern for the weather as we watch with concern the flooding back home in the UK. Life seems a little slower now and less frantic but that may not last long as we have the arrival of the Christmas packages just around the corner and then our second Christmas as missionaries serving in Kosova to look forward to. We are now starting to come to grips with some aspects of life here and starting to know what to expect which is good. Our learning of the language is growing but never as fast as we would like. As a couple we are trying to work together better and understand each other better..but still somedays are harder than others. The support, love and prayers from our friends and family is being felt by us both. We are also thinking and talking a lot about our future and hope to share this with you at sometime. Well lunch is calling so I'd best sign off and say thank you so much for reading and following our adventure here in Kosova. Much love

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