Monday 22 March 2010

Lorraine writes- The last two weeks have been very full for week was spent in the UK (was a whistle stop tour, on my own) attending a funeral of an amazing lady, Karena Mackay, from Reading Family Church and visiting my Brother & family and my Dad & his wife Jane. If you ever travel by train up and down the country, travel LIGHT!! I learnt the hard way. Three big bags, trains and undergrounds really don't mix. The second was a surprise trip to Macedonia. As soon as I walked off the plane I was whisked away by my wonderful husband....brownie points to him!!!!

It has been great to get back to the day care and be with the children and staff. Each morning I have a five minute meeting with the staff at the beginning of the day. This morning I read a quote from 'Family Matters' by David Pytches. It read like this......'The strength of the nation derives from the integrity of the home' (Confucius). I shared my thoughts about how I see Kosova being founded on the family; it draws strength from that family unit; how the day care is a family unit and how we try to impart family values that the children will grasp and take on board and share with others.

This week sees Krushe e Vogel's memorial day (26th). A day when families remember the pain and suffering; the loss of loved ones; that day, in 1999, which brought such change to family life and structure forever. We have one family in the village who after 11 years will see the body of their loved one returned and be able to have some closure as they get to say good bye. Please pray and remember the people of Krushe. We pray that the pain they feel will lessen; that comfort can come to their homes. You are in our hearts Krushe xx

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