Tuesday 15 May 2012


Chris writes: Up at 4am and having.......left home in the pouring rain, with my winter clothes on, later than planned, arrived at the bus station breathless, bus to airport, got into a taxi close to airport, ripped off (3 euros!) very very early...first into airport lounge......get on plane and sit next to mutual friend...Kosova is such a small place!!.

......I have now arrived in the heat of Istanbul.....after managing to navigate bathrooms and buying an actual Starbucks (my 2nd in two days!) and a cookie (don't tell Rainie!....research!!)..I have now finally managed to navigate the internet......why is it I seem to be the only one here having problems!!....

They say that Istanbul (formerly Constantinople I am told) is a very beautiful city...sadly I won't get to see much more of it than this...aside from the time to get into town.........20 dollars for a visa just to walk around seemed a bit excessive!

It is so interesting walking around listenning to all the different languages being spoken...not just Kosovan...this place is truely international...not at all as I had expected....

....................and now have about four hours for my connection to Vienna...onto Prague in a few days.....I hope this conference is worth it!!

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