Thursday 17 May 2012


Chris writes:....after leaving Vienna this morning around 8am on the train to Prague I have now arrived very thankfully at the ISAAC hotel. The journey was ok until I got to Prague....well I know what it feels like to be a foreigner in a foreign country.......but it is great to think that Kosova is not that anymore....Prague is now!

Off the train and trying to locate the underground...where to get a ticket? How much? Which station? Which platform? Which direction?

I am grateful to everyone who made getting to the hotel possible...most of the people who did not speak English very well and I will not probably not see again...even the ones who misdirected me! But especiallyto Robert for his help in Vienna....thanks!

So having managed to unpack shower and to work out the internet which is very very is almost time for dinner....thanks for your prayers for this trip and I hope this conference will be a blessing to all that attend....

From Prague xx

1 comment:

Richard Kane said...

good jazz club in prague called the UNderlegt or something behind the Tin Church,